Someone Please Carry Me Everywhere I Go Because I'm Not Going to Make it There Myself
They say riding a bike is something you never forget, but those people have never tried to ride one after ten years of driving a motor vehicle and then smashed headfirst into a parked car. After the collision, which was witnessed by more people than I care to remember, I dusted off my torn jeans and decimated pride and walked the bike back home without leaving a note because “I broke your car with my face because I have the motor skills of a drunk baby giraffe” was more than I could bear, and I wasn’t sure if my car insurance covered being a moron. In reality, there wasn’t really any damage to the car, and I sort of toppled over like a toddler on a hoverboard, but in my memory it was much more dramatic. The adage, “It’s like riding a bike” to me means “It’s scary and fast and you stand a good chance of being run over by a bread truck or blimp or small dog. And your route looks like you’re trying to trace a polygraph test.”…
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Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me
Thursday, April 21. 4:13 am: I generally sleep about as well as a two year old who just saw The Exorcist, and more often than not, I find myself awake late into the night unable to sleep because my mind is consumed with thoughts of “You need to obsess about your credit card debt right now until your mind has the consistency of mashed potatoes and you’ve become fully committed to changing your name and moving to Tokyo where you can disappear and remount yourself as an enthusiastic karaoke star with the singing voice of an aged monk summoning demons” or “You said that weird thing at your work event today and everybody probably thinks you’re on bath salts.” One of my greatest feats of mental acuity is finding asinine things to worry about when I’m supposed to be sleeping and having no one to talk it out with because my boyfriend falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. I’ve seen bullets leave guns slower…
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I Had a Cold and I Made a Mistake
I am bad at drugs. Generally, my body’s reaction to medication is about as predictable as Charlie Sheen on bath salts, and I tend to experience side effects that are “atypical” or “uncommon” or “you have better odds of convincing Obama to babysit your cat than getting loopy from this medication, which is why you will be surprised when you burst into uncontrollable laughter on the train because you thought about penguins and then laugh even harder when the lady sitting next to you gets up and moves across the car.” When I got my wisdom teeth out, the anesthesia caused me to call my oral surgeon a “loser” because of his regrettable fashion choice of purple scrubs, which I’m sure he was wearing to impress moody college students who think wearing Chuck Taylors to a club makes them edgy and emphatically profess that emo will never die to anyone who will listen, and when I had complications post-surgery and had to return to his office several times for follow-up appointments, I was overwhelmed with embarrassment because, despite being higher than The Grateful Dead at a sleepover, I not only remembered making fun of him, but I was, at the time, also rather proud of my transcendently clever dig. “I’m a drooling, stoned moron who keeps choking on gauze. But you’re wearing clothes. Gotcha!” I’m sure he was devastated….
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Try Something New Every Day, Unless it Involves Pants or Moving
Having decided that my dietary regimen of melting cheese on various carbs and drinking half a gallon of milk a day was not conducive to having a fly ass bod, though it does provide me such benefits as a propensity toward dairy farts, potential kidney stones and happiness, I resigned myself to giving getting in shape the old college try. I have not intentionally worked out since the Bush administration, although one time I did run to my apartment window to spy on my neighbors getting busy (they closed the blinds), but my building has a gym on the first floor that is free for residents and I decided it was high time to use it for its intended purpose, instead of only stopping in to fill up my water bottle (that filter, though) and make sure I don’t have any underwear lines. The mirrors in the gym are, I assume, intentionally slimming, which contrasts with the harsh fluorescent lighting blaring from overhead, so when I pop in to check myself out before a night of balancing being drunk enough to sing karaoke without fainting from the attention and sober enough that I don’t sound like I’m singing through novocaine, I get to admire my svelte figure while wondering when those newfound wrinkles and dark circles under my eyes turned me into a strung-out Steve Buscemi who apparently doesn’t know how to blend a concealer. Although I suppose if the mirrors had the effect of a soft-focus Instagram filter and a pitcher of margaritas, no one would ever work out…
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The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Death and Picnics
I have never been stung by a bee, but having “anything can be dangerous if you think about it enough” anxiety and an extreme aversion to needles (I once passed out during a flu shot), I have never gotten an allergy test to determine if flailing my arms in front of my face and running around the yard like my hair is on fire is an appropriate reaction to the presence of a bee. Since the flu shot incident, which was witnessed by the majority of my college dorm and resulted in a university health center mandate that patients must henceforth be seated during medical procedures, I have found it necessary to warn every nurse that comes at me with a syringe that my completely reasonable fear that the needle will snap off in my arm, scrape through my bloodstream and then puncture my heart like a water balloon makes me slightly panicky once they strap on the tourniquet. I once mentioned this to the phlebotomist at my doctor’s office and she politely requested that if I felt the need to pass out, to kindly do so away from her, since I was “a lot bigger and the fall would kill her.” This inspired the urge to lift her over my head and hurl her into the garbage can, but my wet noodle arms and deference to people with sharp objects led me to quietly will myself toward unconsciousness so that I might flatten the impertinent youth in retribution. We both emerged unscathed.
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GPS Signal Lost
As I have the navigational skills of a stoned toddler driving a blimp, I use GPS everywhere I go to make sure I don’t end up in Canada when I’m just trying to get to Olive Garden before it closes. The accuracy of GPS in my city, however, is about as reliable as Comcast customer service or the drug dealer you met in the alley behind Bubba’s Liquor and Guns. The routes my GPS has given me to my various destinations have been inefficient at best. So you want to go two miles in a city built on a grid system? Go two blocks north, four blocks south, pull a three point turn in the middle of a busy intersection and then light your car on fire. Drive your flaming car backwards through a Wendy’s drive-thru, merge onto the expressway, and then go fuck yourself. You will arrive at your destination in approximately ninety-seven minutes and three dozen curse words. Oh, and that dress makes you look fat…
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