Discomfortable was a finalist in the 2020 Yes, And… Laughter Lab Comedy Competition!
All eligible projects came from diverse creators who make comedy that matters. The goal of YALL is to amplify marginalized voices and connect comedians, industry professionals and social justice organizations so that the comedy we see in the media is representative of what real people look and live like.
We ranked in the Top 20 out of over 500 entries and were invited to participate in the YALL Incubation Lab, where we workshopped our project with comedy professionals and social justice mavericks.
a comedy series by Katie Pecho
Check out teaser video at bottom of page!
Sneak Peak! Check out this teaser for Discomfortable!
Dating is hot nonsense, and for Kate it’s no different. Here’s how she puts an immediate end to bad dates (and makes sure no dangly bits end up in her inbox)
Discomfortable is the feeling of being too visible, of not being in control.
Of going in hard for a hug when the other person was waving at someone else. Discomfortable is involuntarily drizzling soup in your lap while making unbreaking eye contact with a date who will later refer to you as a “crazy bisque.” Which is the kind of thing that can happen when you have Tourette Syndrome.
I have Tourette Syndrome, and my entire life is Discomfortable. That’s why I created a comedy series about my experience with the disorder.
Tourette’s isn’t just involuntary swearing, though some people do have that. It’s comprised of motor and vocal tics— big tics, little tics, loud tics, quiet tics, cute tics, call a priest tics, tics that make the woman in the salmon polo on the subway clutch her children in fear, and tics you may not even realize are diagnosable things.
Tourette’s is like your Aunt Linda’s outdoor cat-- you don’t always see it, and you may have no idea there’s a name for it. But it’s also like diarrhea— you can hold it in for a while, sure, but it’s gotta go somwhere.
Discomfortable tackles the funk and fun of living with Tourette’s through the eyes of our protagonist, Kate. Like:
Doctor appointments & being besties with her pharmacist
Having a facial tic that makes her look distinctly menacing
Bug-eyed goons staring in public
When to tell new relationships & how not to repel them with her tugboat noises
Coworkers who ask invasive questions when they’re the weirdo who eats salad from a jar
Her hands being the twitchy kiss of death for fragile objects (her protection plan has a protection plan)
Accidentally punching strangers and/or children and/or strange children
Not being able to accept an invitation to go axe-throwing for fear of manslaughter
This show provides representation of real people with Tourette’s and demonstrates with grace and humor that our disorder does not define us. It punches up at the disorder and not down at the people who have it, and it does so with poise and punch. And it’s funny as heck, too.
Tourette’s is the least interesting thing about Kate— that would be her broadsword collection.
Discomfortable is currently in the works, so keep an eye out for more info soon!
Episode Guide:
The Ballad of Jimmy Dean
The Way Our Mommas Made Us
Tourette’s Syndrome Association
Adult Bowling & Chili Night
I’m So Excited & I Absolutely
Must Hide It
This Place About to Blow