A Comprehensive List of My Superpowers
Pouring myself a cup of coffee and then forgetting about it
Reheating that cup of coffee and then forgetting about it again
Taking my socks off in my sleep and only losing the cute ones
Wearing mismatched socks
Getting cheese on my pants
Buying plants and then killing said plants
Forgetting about said dead plants until they turn into powder
Buying small baskets and having nowhere to put them
Identifying Shakira songs
Pointing out discrepancies between the Harry Potter books and movies
Getting defensive when met with lack of enthusiasm about discrepancies between the Harry Potter books and movies
Finding ways to work my cat into conversations
Choosing the most problematic line at the grocery store
Internally debating if yelling fashion-related compliments out a car window counts as catcalling
Refraining from pulling over to ask her where she got those bomb ass boots
Getting drunk and telling my boyfriend how much I love him in exhausting detail
Ignoring the fact that he is already sleeping while I am drunk and telling him how much I love him
Getting lost in parking lots