Things I Thought Were Cool When I Was Younger But Am Now Realizing May In Fact Not Be
Pretending to sleep at parties where no drinking was taking place because I thought this made me “cooler than the party”
Drinking a lot of orange juice (“Oh, what am I doing? Just listening to some music, drinking orange juice.” -Me, feeling fly, circa 2002)
Wearing candy necklaces until the color started to wear off on my skin
The band Mest
Sneaking up to people’s houses in the middle of the night (before curfew, of course) and sidewalk chalking up their driveways (That wild, unpredictable suburban life, you know?)
Pretending I had never heard of various pop artists
Pretending to be afraid of E.T.
Coughing when someone made eye contact with me because I thought that made me more mysterious (???)
The three foot marionette I insisted on bringing to parties (There was the occasional clumsy performance)
The cloak I wore for two weeks
The fact that I had never eaten Cookie Crisp
The mushroom cut I got in fourth grade that I so desperately wanted (My hair looks like a botched circumcision and I love it! Take that haters!)
My imagined alter-ego as a sexy, wisecracking, American exchange student in the Harry Potter universe who had alternate affairs with both of the Weasley twins
“Practicing” my softball pitching skills in front of people with no ball or mitt so as to display my immense talent
“Playing” the piano on the gym floor while waiting for warm-ups to begin (Note: I did not know how to play the piano)
Memorizing Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “El Dorado” and proudly forcing people to listen to me recite it
Smoking cigarettes
My Fine Arts degree